
Do not take headphones improper "cadres" - headphones maintenance of a comprehensive look at


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Headset as a cheap electronic devices, they are widely applied to various electronic equipment, mobile phones, MP3, MP4, from the iPad, no one able to leave headphones, but many people do not pay attention to the maintenance of the headset in the use of headphones, known as the "headphone killer", there are a lot of people use and maintenance of the headset, there are many errors. Then how to extend the service life of the headset? Here, we introduce everyone to the headset maintenance and use and maintenance of the misunderstanding, I hope to be able to help you.A, headset maintenanceA. Maintenance of the headphone plugThe headphone plug is a very sensitive site, because once it appears the problem will result in poor contact, greatly affected the use of effects.Now, there are a lot of headphones most of the production process in order to reduce the impedance of a gold plated plug, but it is in use excessive wear also make the headset the sound quality be affected, the effect is greatly reduced. This metal layer is generally very thin, if repeated friction, will be seriously damaged the fragile metal layer, thereby enabling the headset to serious injury, can also cause the output device contacts loose, making poor contact. Therefore, in the headphones during use to reduce the number of plug headphones, do not always pull down the headset.In addition, in the preservation process in the headset to avoid acidic, alkaline or wet environment, such an environment will also make plug metal layer destruction, thereby affecting the life of the headset.
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Two. Maintenance of earplugs lines and plug connectionsEarbud cord and plug connections is a fragile site on the headset to many headset because of the damage here and not be able to continue to use, what kind of treatment will make the longer the life of the headset it? The inside of the earbud cord and plug connection at the solder joints, so that the process of pulling headphones if too much force or too large, it is likely to cause the solder off, the headset also scrapped.So, best to use the new headset first earbud cord and plug connections are fixed with a rubber, unplug the headphones should have the right approach, at first hand and hold the plug, and then gently pull out and resolutely put an end to the pulling force is too large or too fast, because that would make the solder joint is easy to fall off, the headset can not continue to use.3. Maintenance of the headphone wireA very important part of the headphone wire is also a headphone maintenance, because the headset production technology is advanced, but the headphone wire is always a metal made of. Since the metal materials used in its own weaknesses, it is easy to break. This weakness of the metal wire, although has made a great effort, but still not completely overcome the swap.Therefore, in the use of headphones to be careful not to let the headset wire to the fold, should try to ensure that the wire curvature. Also pay attention to and received the headphones headphone wires do not make a hard angle, it would greatly damage the life of the wire, and is likely to cause the circuit, and do not arbitrarily tied to the output device should be collected to maintain a certain the arc, so that you do not have headphone wire problem and a big headache.
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4. Wire external maintenanceIn use outside the wire damage, will directly affect the life of the wire. The headphone wire external materials, colors, there are many, but most of the external materials of the wires are rubber. Headset for everyday use, many of my friends will find such a problem that is used for a long time the wire will naturally harden, making it easy to break, is very nerve-racking thing.How can we solve this problem? This requires that we usually careful care of headphones. In the use of headphones or save as much as possible to avoid contact with oily or acidic substances, once the contact is necessary to immediately dry with a dry towel. In addition, a major killer of sweat is also a headphone wire external sweat alkaline, alkaline same will rubber cause serious damage, so also in contact with sweat, wipe it dry immediately. In the headphones during use, but also to avoid the contact wire external weapon or something hard.
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5, headphones maintenance of the diaphragmHeadphone diaphragm can be said that the composition of the headset is very important, it is the heart area of ​​the headset, and its maintenance is very critical, only the headphone diaphragm is not damaged, the headphones be able to work.The diaphragm of the new headphones have not used so the elasticity is relatively poor, rigid comparison, so to use the new headset, slowly adjust the volume, not too large, because the volume of the General Assembly makes the headphone diaphragm vibration amplitude is too large, cause damage headphones, not too fast or substantially changing the volume, this will adversely affect the headphone diaphragm.Therefore, in using the new headset, it is recommended with the normal volume to listen to one to two months in this process, try to avoid listening to the world's best music, the headset had a run-in period, they can make better use of this The new headset to use a very secure method. Moreover, to avoid the headset contact with the humid environment, otherwise it will cause the diaphragm deformation, affecting the normal use.6, the role of sponge earplugsUsually buy a new headset, the headset's packaging box will have a pair of sponge ear plugs. This thing is small, but the effect is great.beats by dre pro
7, the temperature and humidityRoutine maintenance of the headset, the headset environmental temperature and humidity are also important.Occur usually in the high temperature or high humidity environment headset diaphragm severe deformation, which would greatly affect the sound quality of the headphones. In addition, the metallization layer of the plug of the headphones is very fragile, easy to rust in a humid environment, once the rust will be a very serious effect of headphones, or even result in poor contact and even damage. In the headphones during use to avoid bright light, moist environment, so that you can avoid the deformation of the diaphragm and wire damage.8, the maintenance of the dedicated headsetUsually have many types of headphones, and many of the headset is not common, it is worth noting that in the headphones during use. First of all, wear it can reduce the discomfort of continuous music, can greatly ease the fatigue of the ear; Second, it can make up some headphones diaphragm lack of lack of flexibility and strength, so that the closed ear headphones better, so that the sound quality more good, sound is more mellow; Finally, it can effectively protect the headset, the headset from dust, so even if the long-term use of sound effects will have been as good as new. It seems to your favorite headset with a sponge earplugs, is necessary, it can be better for you to protect your headset, so you better enjoy the endless joy of music to bring you.
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Many of the headset is dedicated dedicated headphone in the wrong place, it will have very serious consequences, if a low-power headphone is connected to a very high frequency of the output device will cause damage to the headset. Remember, dedicated headset to use the appropriate device to play its role, it will be counterproductive.
Second, the headphones use and maintenance of misunderstandings existPerhaps, in daily use, many people also want to make good maintenance of their beloved headphones, but due to lack of experience or know much about in this regard, it is usually in the use and maintenance of headphones is often easy to misunderstand, so not only did not play the effect of protecting the headphones, and headphones cause fatal injuries to a large extent, below, for everyone to disclosure about several errors, and hope to help everyone in the headphones maintenance .Misunderstanding one: the volume pot headphonesSome people think that the headphones need to use the volume pot, so you can make faster and better headphones into the normal working state, but also saves time.This approach is in fact guilty of the headset to use a taboo, because the Under normal circumstances, the new headphones diaphragm will be too rigid, such a large volume of the pot will be beyond the affordability of the new diaphragm vibration frequency, resulting in diaphragm damage. In the pot when you should use a moderate volume of use for some time free to debug.Myth two: listen to the headphones when the sound excessiveLong loud concert a very negative impact on people's hearing, will cause a serious decline in hearing, and bring long-term damage to the ear and the spirit of the long volume also makes over-excited, it will resulting in physical and mental fatigue, mental exhaustion.And large volume on the headphone diaphragm is very large, long and loud will cause sound distortion, or even cause the diaphragm damage. So, in listening to music when you want to select a moderate volume, can neither be too small to affect the aesthetics of music, can not be too hurt their ears. Moderate volume will extend the life of the headset, maintenance is the best one.In short: you want your beloved headphones last longer, you will need to master the use of scientific methods and maintenance methods, but also out of the use and maintenance of misunderstanding. The headset is also very delicate items, we take care of it. I believe in your intensive care, your headset will life be more long-term, to bring you more enjoyment! ! !

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